Mao Haimura is an artist from Tokyo. Set in the “Orange Land,” she explores the antinomy between a whimsical, sensory world of nostalgia and the sharp, refined rationality that has propelled the spirit forward. Utilizing multimedia, she continues her inquiry beyond the confines of art, nationality, and era.
A look into the life of painter Mao Haimura
Filmed and Produced by art students in Berlin,
from May to July 2023
June 2023 "The Dawn of the Orange Diamond Land" at Neon Kunst Berlin
February 2023 "Afternoon of the Orange Room" at AZALEA Tokyo
November 2022 "Obsessive Compulsive Orange Room" at Gankagarou Tokyo
November 2021 "Triangle Connector Theorem" as an animator of "video artist duo" KUFUKU, at Meee Gallery Tokyo
March 2021 "URAVANTGARDE" Solo exhibition Bar Uracue Tokyo
July-August 2018 "BLÜTE" Solo exhibition at Cuore di Vetro in Berlin
2023 「夜明けのオレンジ・ダイアモンドの地」(Neon Kunst / ベルリン)
2023「オレンジ色の部屋の午後」(AZALEA / 東京)
2022「強迫症的なオレンジ色の部屋」(新宿眼科画廊 / 東京)
2021 「三角形連結の定理」映像作家KUFUKUとして(Meee Gallery Tokyo / 東京)
2018 「BLÜTE」(Cuore di Vetro / ベルリン)